Preprints and Submissions
Meng Yuan, Adam Burman, Changfu Zou, Robust Model Predictive Control of Fast Lithium-ion Battery Pretreatment for Safe Recycling, European Control Conference (ECC), 2025 (under review)
Meng Yuan*, Ye Wang, Chris Manzie, Zhezhuang Xu, Tianyou Chai, Contouring Error Bounded Control for Biaxial Switched Linear Systems, 2024 (under review)
Journal Papers
- Chi Liu, Zhezhuang Xu, Meng Yuan*, Junwei Xie, Yazhou Yuan, Kai Ma, Building electrical load forecasting with occupancy data based on wireless sensing, Applied Energy, 2024.
- Ye Lin, Zhezhuang Xu, Meng Yuan, Dan Chen, Jinyang Zhu, Yazhou Yuan, Pointer generation and main scale detection for occluded meter reading based on generative adversarial network, Measurement, 2024.
- Zhezhuang Xu, Jinlong Wang, Meng Yuan*, Yazhou Yuan, Biyu Chen, Qingdong Zhang, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan, Joint Optimization of Steel Plate Shuffling and Truck Loading Sequencing Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol.60, 2024.
- Zhezhuang Xu, Ye Lin, Dan Chen, Meng Yuan, Yuhang Zhu, Zhijie Ai, Yazhou Yuan, Wood Broken Defect Detection with Laser Profilometer Based on Bi-lstm Network, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 242, 2024.
- Meng Yuan*, Ye Wang, Lei Li, Tianyou Chai, Wei Tech Ang, Safety-based Speed Control of a Wheelchair using Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023.
- Sibo Yang, Neha P Garg, Ruobin Gao, Meng Yuan, Bernardo Noronha, Wei Tech Ang, Dino Accoto, Learning-Based Motion-Intention Prediction for End-Point Control of Upper-Limb-Assistive Robots, Sensors, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 2998, 2023.
- Chao Zhou, Meng Yuan, Chen Feng, Wei Tech Ang, A Modified Prandtl–Ishlinskii Hysteresis Model for Modeling and Compensating Asymmetric Hysteresis of Piezo-Actuated Flexure-Based Systems, Sensors, vol. 22, no. 22, pp. 8763, 2022.
- Meng Yuan*, Lei Li, Zhezhuang Xu, Modeling and Contouring Control for Cantilever Beam Machine With Structural Flexibility, IEEE Access, pp. 27809-27818, 2022.
- Meng Yuan*, Zhezhuang Xu, Tracking Control of Single-Axis Feed Drives Based on ADRC and Feedback Linearisation, Electronics, vol. 10, no. 10, 2021.
- Meng Yuan*, Chris Manzie, Malcolm Good, Iman Shames, Lu Gan, Farzad Keynejad, Troy Robinette, A Review of Industrial Tracking Control Algorithms, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 104536, pp. 104536, 2020.
- Meng Yuan*, Chris Manzie, Malcolm Good, Iman Shames, Lu Gan, Farzad Keynejad, Troy Robinette, Error-bounded Reference Tracking MPC for Machines with Structural Flexibility, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 10, 2020.
- Li Zhang, Ping Zhou, He-da Song, Meng Yuan, Tian-you Chai, Multivariable Dynamic Modeling for Molten Iron Quality using Incremental Random Vector Functional-link Networks, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, vol. 23, pp. 1151-1159, 2016.
- Ping Zhou, Shaowen Lu, Meng Yuan, Tianyou Chai, Survey On Higher-level Advanced Control for Grinding Circuits Operation, Powder Technology, vol. 288, pp. 324-338, 2016.
- Ping Zhou, Meng Yuan, Hong Wang, Zhuo Wang, Tian-You Chai, Multivariable Dynamic Modeling For Molten Iron Quality Using Online Sequential Random Vector Functional-link Networks With Self-feedback Connections, Information Sciences, vol. 325, pp. 237-255, 2015.
- Meng Yuan*, Ping Zhou, Ming-liang Li, Rui-feng Li, Hong Wang, Tian-you Chai, Intelligent Multivariable Modeling of Blast Furnace Molten Iron Quality based on Dynamic AGA-ANN and PCA, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, vol. 22, pp. 487-495, 2015.
- Ping Zhou, Meng Yuan, Hong Wang, Tianyou Chai, Data-driven Dynamic Modeling for Prediction of Molten Iron Silicon Content using ELM with Self-feedback, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.
Conference Papers
- Sibo Yang, Lincong Luo, Muyao Liu, Jiaye Chen, Wei Chuan Law, Meng Yuan, Lei Li, Wei Tech Ang, Adaptive Gravity Compensation Framework Based on Human Upper Limb Model for Assistive Robotic Arm Extender, International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Singapore, 24-28 September 2023.
- Yifan Wang, Meng Yuan*, Lei Li, Karen Sui Geok Chua, Wei Tech Ang, Graceful User Following for Mobile Balance Assistive Robot in Daily Activities Assistance, 22nd IFAC World Congress Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023.
- Ruobin Gao, Sibo Yang, Meng Yuan, Xuefei Song, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Wei Tech Ang, Online Ensemble Deep Random Vector Functional Link for the Assistive Robots, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Gold Coast, Australia, 18-23 June 2023.
- Meng Yuan*, Chris Manzie, Lu Gan, Malcolm Good, Iman Shames, Modelling And Contouring Error Bounded Control of A Biaxial Industrial Gantry Machine, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Hong Kong, China, 19-21 August 2019.
- Meng Yuan*, Chris Manzie, Malcolm Good, Iman Shames, Farzad Keynejad, Troy Robinette, Bounded Error Tracking Control for Contouring Systems with End Effector Measurements, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 13-15 February 2019.
- Ping Zhou, Meng Yuan, Hong Wang, ELM Based Dynamic Modeling for Online Prediction of Molten Iron Silicon Content in Blast Furnace, Proceedings of ELM, Singapore, 2014.
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.